body procedures

Tummy Tuck

A Tummy Tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty, addresses 3 layers including muscles, fat, and skin to create a slender, contoured midsection.

  If necessary, a Tummy Tuck can be done in conjunction with a Breast Lift to help restore your body to more of the pre-baby body you remember.

Thigh Lift

A Thigh Lift removes excess fat, tightens the skin, and re-contours the upper leg/buttock to even out the unsightly sagging and rippling of the skin due to gravity, aging, or major weight loss.

Arm Lift

An Arm Lift, also known as Brachioplasty lifts, tightens, and re-contours the upper arm by removing excess skin and fat which create those unsightly β€œbat wings.”

Body Lift

A Body Lift removes the loose skin around your entire body after significant weight loss to create a slimmer, sleeker you.  A Body Lift enables you to enjoy the results of your weight loss efforts.


Liposuction involves making small incisions and inserting a surgical instrument known as a cannula (small tube) to remove hard-to-lose pockets of fat from the hard-to-reach areas.

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